Tree Of Passion

Winning was never easy. It takes passion, enthusiasm, hope, perseverance and consistency, in order.
This blog is neither out of my experience nor out of an encounter with a winner.
Observation has made me say those words.

Scrutinize the lives and times of a few great souls whose triumph has flabbergasted the world over. You will find that there were barely any who were born with the silver spoon in their mouths. But do not strike their names out, because, money and luxuries do catch fire and all that burns to black. Money can die out while you are alive. Money can never impact upon one's chances of success in life. Passion can. It dies with you.
Yes. You are richer with passion in your mind than with money in your pocket.

When you nurse the saplings of Interest with time and mind, it grows into the tree of Passion. Practically, any healthy seed, with life inside it, has the potential to grow into a tree and branch out. So, it becomes crucial to ultra-carefully assort the seeds of Interest, as hobbies, pastimes and recreational activities can be a potential camouflage. One single question that could come to your help at this juncture: Does this seed have life in it?
Well, how do you do that?
Suppose you find a person lying unconscious on the floor. Perplexed, you try to feel the pulsations of his artery at the wrist.
So, blood is life. A living thing bleeds when cut.

Cut your interest, hobby, pastime or any other recreational activity from your routine living. As said above, your mind would bleed when you lack the thing that interests you. When you get the interest back, you know everything falls in order.
Now that you have carefully handpicked the seeds of pure Interest, nurture them. Water the sapling.
Put your mind and heart into it.
Watch it growing leaves.
Watch the stem hardening.
Nurture it in sunshine and shade.
One day, it is ready to branch out. Here, it is too short to be called a tree, but, too good a growth for a plant either. When you do not know what have you made of it, call it Passion.

But, here you are at a highly climacteric circumstance. Any degree of neglect here can prove to be irrevocable damage. It may seem like it no longer requires your water and shade, and you may be lured by the beauty of your hobbies and pastimes, which have grown into weeds now. These weeds thrived on the water you nurtured your interest with. It is very critical at this stage, to continue nurturing your soon-a-tree Passion and steer clear of the weeds at a safe distance.

It may take months to years to decades for your Passion to grow into a tree. But, never give up watering it, for it needs your mind and heart to work in synchrony for its upbringing, and time, above all. You must give it the time it takes for the roots to absorb the water, and for the water to ascend up along cellular columns and enliven the toddler leaflets playing in the sun.
It is ultimately this hard work and patience that grows your Passion.

Your tree of passion
Your Passion is finally a tree that has spread its boughs in majesty. It stood the tests of time, and has grown to, eventually, provide shade for you. You are safe under its shade, from violent storms and rain.

Your tree transforms into a gorgeously bedecked bride during spring, and awes you with its naked form in the autumn. Your tree has shelter for the birds and food for everyone.

Now, while you are sitting under your tree, relishing the fruit, breathing in the scent from a hundred natural bouquets, close your eyes and let your mind speak to your heart: 'This was my Passion'.
When you say that, the taste of your fruit and the aroma of flowers blend into a royal flavor. That's the flavor of Success.

Find your Interest. Nurture your Passion. Savor Success.


  1. Mind blowing:-)
    True observation :-)
    Well said

    1. Thank you :-)
      Its my illustration for success.

  2. Hi Anirudh,

    Firstly, I want to congratulate you for writing such a wonderful blog-post on passion and success.

    The camouflage analogy is superb. Hats off to your vocabulary. One really has to ultra-carefully assort the seeds of Interest.

    I think money at times although never solely, but like a catalyst, along with passion, enthusiasm, hope, perseverance and consistency, can have an impact on one’s success and will also make winning a lot more easier.

    The sentences :
    “Your Passion is finally a tree that has spread its boughs in majesty. It stood the tests of time, and has grown to, eventually, provide shade for you. You are safe under its shade, from violent storms and rain.” and
    “Find your Interest. Nurture your Passion. Savor Success.” are very inspirational and motivating.

    The way this story is narrated is brilliant.
    Thank you for sharing :)

    1. First, I'm immensely pleased that you found the post inspirational and motivating. That was my illustration of how one could succeed in life if she/he nurtures his precious little seeds of Interest and grow them to Tree of Passion.
      Second, money. Yes. I fully agree with you that money does 'sometimes' act as a catalyst in success. But money can never affect one's Passion, as Passion is a more surreal, pristine and powerful virtue.

      Thanks for reading and wholehearted appreciation. :)

    2. Most welcome :)
      Your vocabulary and narration/illustration are awe..mazing.
      Keep it up, God bless :)


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