From Tipperary to Thipparalli

Malayalam being my mother tongue, my knowledge about the history of performing arts and theatre in Kannada is shallow. I would share here some information about an eminent theatreperson of Karnataka, T. P. Kailasam. I'm thankful to my friend, Dr. Thippeswamy for having introduced me to the theatre songs of Kannada's yesteryears, penned by T. P. Kailasam. I watched a video on YouTube showcasing the best compositions of this illustrious performer. The song Namma Thipparalli Balu Doora has such a happy feeling to listen that after a day of having listened to it, you would continue tapping your feet to its lyric and music. I browsed for more information on this renowned Kannada song and to my astonishment, I found out that the tune of Namma Thipparalli Balu Doora was borrowed from an English song of the times of First World War, "Its A Long Way To Tipperary". This song was regarded as a war song during WW1. The music and spirit of this song inspired T. P. Kailasam deeply. He immediately filled the English tune with Kannada lyrics and there took birth Namma Thipparalli Balu Doora. This Kannada song has emotions of homelongingness and desperation blended into fine humor and rhyme. I thank my friend for stimulating me on old Kannada theatre. There is lot more to know about. Art has no language. It is a silent rendezvous with one's soul.


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