
Showing posts from December, 2018

Happy New Ear

It's another Jan 01 and the inboxes of all my social network sites are flooding with new year wishes from friends and relatives. Sometimes, I think if it's worth wishing them back (though, I do wish them all, maybe mechanically). There are some people whom you want to wish something specific in their lives, good or bad. But, the question is - who's listening to you? Our ears are either plugged with earphones most of the time or blocked with impacted wax that needs a forceps to be extracted out. Most often, the ear canals are just tubes with blind ends that don't reach the grey matter inside our skull. The end result of such ignominious anatomy of our ears is that we don't understand half the things we hear. Rather, we hear. But don't listen. You would exercise better control over your anger if we could take some time out to listen to the meanings of sounds. Listening requires thinking. It doesn't come to everyone. So, this morning, I was typing a reply ...