Living near the Indus

After a satisfying year at Dehradun, I have been posted to Leh. Though the journey to Leh through Chandigarh was more time consuming than it should have been, landing here makes me feel it was worth the effort. I'm living in a small room with basic amenities and no luxury. But there are larger blessings on offer. River Indus is flowing in all its glory right in front of my quarter. The constant turbulence of the river is a pleasure to the eyes and it's constant burble rings round the clock in my ears. The rocks and pebbles here are smooth and rounded. Himalayan mountains stand as mute witness to the immaculate flow of the river. I can capture the mountains, their snow-clad peaks, clouds wandering through the sunrays, pine trees in rich foliage and the Indus flowing in elegance with my eyes. I'm standing at the very place where time stood testimony to mankind, at the cradle of the Indus Valley Civilization.